I can't say exactly what all the package will consist of, but it will contain these lovely wristlets, an old book, perhaps a pattern or two, and what ever else I fancy to drop in there within the next week. I'm so excited! What I would really like to do is give everyone that enters something. So I was thinking I could mail you all postcards that I've drawn! But then I thought people might be uncomfortable with that, with me collecting a whole bunch of addresses, but I'm going to offer it anyway. So, if you would like to get at least a postcard in the mail you can email me at thewoodbetweenworlds@gmail.com with your address and I'll get it in the mail as soon as possible!
So I really hope you all enter and have fun thinking of things to recommend! I can't wait to read them all (oh and I got the idea from Emily at The Black Apple, she did it for one of her give aways). Oh and spread the word too! The more people that enter the better!
with old ink and lace,
PS: oops! I had posted the wrong email address! if you emailed me please try again!
But it's late, and there's so much to do...and I'm tired... I hate how much I say that. Because it's become so meaningless, and just a dumb excuse. When will I not be tired and have nothing to do? Probably never. So I need to just DO something! Actually I have been doing several of these things, I just haven't managed to post about them. Sorry. I know I keep saying this, but life really is crazy. As I'm sure it is for everyone. But I'm moving out this weekend and working every day through it all, so it's gonna be interesting. haha, well I'll tell you all how it goes. Thank you so much for bearing with me. Love you all!
PS: What do you want to do right now?
Photo can be found here
Love, Clara
with love from my dizzy little world,
PS: all images from here
So I pass this award on to the wonderful Sarah, Francesca, Ellie Grace, and Sara. Hope everyone has a wonderful afternoon, night or whatever your at right now!
with ice tea and tissues,
PS: all the photos can be found here
Update! So sorry, some how my settings got switched around so now you can comment! Thank you so much for letting me know Melee! Love, Clara