I just want clear a little something up. The photos I've been posting lately are NOT mine (aside from the altered journal), I have never meant for anyone to think they were mine, but I guess that's been confusing. I've certainly gotten lazy, not even mentioning where I got the photos, much less linking to them, and I apologize for that. for the most part (about 98% of the time) I use the photos I find on
weheartit. There is a link to my heart on the side. Someday I hope to post only my own photos, like I have today, but for now I can't quite manage it. I hope you all understand, if you're confused by anything I have said please let me know.

My summer has been going well, I'm working at a greenhouse now which means I'm out in the sunshine and rain! I must say it's my favorite job I've ever had and I'm learning so much. It's been a very interesting summer so far, I've been writing mostly, but managing to fit some knitting and sewing in as well, which reminds me, I should take pictures to show you (I finally found my camera). This is a rather pathetic update I know... but I hope you are all enjoying your summers and aren't too mad at me for failing to say where I found the photos.
With love,
(all photos in this post are mine)