I finished that beautiful book a few days ago and it has left me wanting to dress up in beautiful dresses and colorful shoes and find a magical land. Well, I always want to find a magical land, but the emphasis this time would be dressing up.
Aren't butterflies some of the most wondrous things? There was one summer a while back where there was a surplus of them, that was the summer I worked at a green house and the butterflies would get stuck inside and couldn't find their way out. I think I save a good dozen or so of them that year. It was the first time I'd ever held a butterfly. That's what I imagine magic feels like.
I fear this might be getting rather random, but I suppose that doesn't matter if I feel a small connection. I read a book a long time ago in which feathers grew with the man's hair, I've been fascinated with the idea ever since. Maybe that's weird, but I think it sounds beautiful.
One thing that's hard about falls here in Fairbanks is how there aren't any red fall leaves. I still love autumn here, but I always feel as if there's something missing from them. So if your around nice, red, fall leaves right now, blow them an extra kiss for me, will you? To show them that I miss them.
I finished my socks, I love how bright they are. They are so soft and delicate that I'm afraid to wear them. On the pattern it said they are perfect for curling up in and watching the rain, so maybe I'll do that. With tea and a book and cookies.
I also made these wrist warmers, you can't tell from the picture, but they are a beautiful shade of deep purple, almost like eggplant. I'm wearing them right now. I've made lots of other things that I need to show you, I just put these all together because they seemed to fit. I would like to thank you all very much for your sweet wishes concerning the auditions, I'm mostly trying to keep myself occupied so I don't think about them. We'll see what happens though.
I love you all very much and I hope your having a beautiful week,
(click on photos for links)
Oh, lovely. I'd love to hold a butterfly!
All the stuff you're up to is so nice to hear about! :) I actually knitted a pair of armwarmers for my friend as a Christmas gift, so I'll definitely get around to taking a photo of those! They were so frustrating/fun to make, and I learned how to purl!
oh this is an absolutely beautiful post dear!i have only held a butterful once,when i was 5 or so.your socks look lovely!i've wanted to knit a pair for some time now...is it quite hard?
Thank you! it is so magical to hold a butterfly. and thank you both about my socks, they actually weren't that hard to knit, I was rather surprised. I'd definetly recomend trying it, it's alot of fun.
those socks are gorgeous what pattern did you use? and i'm surrounded by red leaves so i'm going to blow an extra kiss to them just for u :)
Thank you for your fall sypathies and kisses! It's so true Marisa, autumn is my favorite time as well, and the lack of color, not to mention how short it is, can be so disheartening. You really must read Wildwood Dancing, it's so beautiful. I just finished it's companion Cybele's Secret and I think you would love it as well. I'd love to try Daughter of the Forest too, my opinion is there can never be enough good foresty fairtales. sigh, my book list is getting so long. And yes it would have been amazing to play Lucy, I think it would have been much harder to not get a part if I had been eligable to her. sigh, why didn't they do this play seven years ago?
The pattern for my socks is called Romantic Lace Socks and it's by Yuliya Sullivan. All I can suggest is googling the pattern, I got it in a give away with a bunch of other things and I don't have a website or anything, sorry! it is a really nice pattern though, because it uses sport weight yarn. so if you can find it I highly recomend it.
Thank you both, I love you!
love, clara
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