A rented room with pealing wallpaper and a giant wardrobe and a cozy blanketed bed,

a young male cat, a small little stove with glowing coals and a ragged hooked rug,
ballet shoes scattered around the room and specific pairs hanging on pegs,

a few dreamy and worn novels,
long lace curtains and mismatched cushins,
hot tea and bought cookies,

painted tins of powders and "paints,"

a cheap silver painted brush and tarnished mirror,

blue satin pointe shoes,

but mostly cluttered with fabric and old costumes to be remade

and thread and buttons and ribbon
(click on most photos for links)
very pretty dear clara ♥
it makes me want to go back in time and become a ballerina :)
I can picture it all so clearly in my mind. What a beautiful place to be.
Ellie Grace
pretty and evocative, stirs up memories x
i love this blog, i find your posts so inspring and a perfect escape. this post is no different.
i love the first picture, so much :)
How beautiful... I have always wanted to live in a place such as that.
(I was a bit obsessed with French art the other month, so I recognized the Degas painting in this post. That made me happy. It's rather childish, I know. But true!)
sara: thank you my dear. <3 I wish I could go back in time for it too.
Ellie Grace: I'm so glad you can, that's exactly what I hoped for. :)
Little Bear Stories: <3 and thank you so much for following :)
chesca: thank you so much! that's so sweet of you to say, it's so encouraging. :) and thank you for following as well. <3
Melee: oh I know, it would be wonderful, and don't worry you don't sound the least childish. in fact you remind me of me! love you dear. <3 :)
I love these photos, especially the one of the music box, and the two photos below it. Thanks for sharing! :-)
kiss for you.
This is so delicate!
Clara, have you received my letter? It's been a month since I've sent it! Is everything okay?
Beautiful mind. Step into mine for a while, if you wish:
anniina: oh your welcome! thank you!
magnoliaamber,tywo and sabrina_ : thanks! <3
ohh i love your blog!
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