Well, it's taken me much longer to post this than I thought it would. But at least I'm here. So, first up is my garage sale loot. Every year there's this huge sale in support of one of my church's missionaries and I always find something old and awesome! And this year was no exception.

An apron, is it not beautiful? It makes me want to find some rustic kitchen and bake tarts.

Or little cakes, these little pans are so adorable, my favorite thing about them is how they're unusual animals. A bunny, a squirrel, a duck, and a horse.

Okay, I've got to stop saying I love everything I got. BUT I do love this lamp, it needs a short little candle put in it and then I'm ready for any loss of electricity or opportunity to time travel.

Yarn and thread, a knitter can always stand to find more of those.

Now this is exciting, Better Homes and Gardens from 1930 and 1945! The oldest magazines I own now by far. Before it was my 1948
McCalls which I also found at the same garage sale two years ago.

A book of sweet children's stories, from the 80's, but it has cute illustrations and most of the tales I would have picked out myself for a collection.

I've always wanted to get into pottery, not really for art, but to make useful things. I got this though, because it has really good information on clay and all those things that are good to know and have reference to. Hopefully I'll get to use this soon.
Now I NEVER thought I'd willingly buy a chemistry book, for while I enjoyed it more than physics, that isn't saying much at all. The only science that I had fun learning was earth science and botany, everything else was a nightmare. I also hate math, apparently I'm good at it, but the hate of it takes away any satisfaction I might get from that. ANYWAY, all of that is to say that I did buy a chemistry book, but it was merely for the date in the front which is 1897. So yes, I
definatly bought it once I saw that. oh goodness, I do make myself laugh.

These really tiny, really pretty vases. They're just perfect for little wild flowers or our lily of the valley.

This was quite the exciting find for me, it's a fisherman's basket! I'm hoping to attach it to my bike some how, just can't wait to bike all over Alaska with it.
Now every Memorial Day Value Village has a 50% off sale, so here's what I got this year: two vintage patterns, this cute brown skirt...
This lovely coat (yes I bought a wool coat at the beginning of summer, yes that's weird, but it was only $5! plus I loved it! how could I say no!?) (actually your all wonderful and would never question give me a hard time about such a per chase), and this great gypsy vest. Also (that I forgot to take pictures of) a fair isle vest, some legwarmers(Clara seems to have forgotten the season again), knee socks, and a lacy pink slip.
Now remember, there was also graduation in all of this, so yeah, I've been getting a lot of stuff lately. My dear friend Kristen got me this tea cup in DC, isn't it beautiful? And one of my favorite teas, Jasmine. If you haven't tried it, please do, it tastes like a fairy drink, especially sweetened with honey. Also not pictured: a gingham apron (that was my great, great, grandma's!), some old money, and a charm bracelet that my grandma got on her graduation.
I've been very busy doing many of the things I mentioned on my last post, I just haven't had time to write about it! But there will be one about it soon, tomorrow morning we're leaving to go clamming. I'll tell you all about it when I get back. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
love to you all, Clara
what beautiful things! i love the wool coat, its always good to be prepared for winter!xx
beautiful things! I am especially taken by the gypsy vest, it's gorgeous. And those vases.... ♥
I acquired a wool coat recently too, despite the season. cant be too prepared ! :P
lovely things, the basket looks perfect for bike rides!
oh gosh, such beautiful things! i especially love the fisherman's basket! and i am excited to hear about the clamming! maybe you will encounter a selkie or a mermaid!
All these things look so delightful and just waiting to be taken on adventures! And it makes them so much more rewarding to know they went to a good cause:)
xo mercy
That apron's material would make the loveliest dress I think.
oh, such fun purchases! i love the apron and the fishers basket especially. lovely :)
Oh my goodness! What fantastic finds! I'm sitting here scrolling going "Ooo, I love that!" at every picture, haha!
I hate math and science too! My parents say I'm good at math, I don't believe them. :P
But... I probably would've bought the chemistry book from 1897 too. Hehe! :)
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