Thursday, September 16, 2010

what I want to do now

  • watch Romeo and Juliet
  • bake a tart
  • go some where all by myself and breathe
  • knit socks
  • lay outside and stare at the stars
  • quote poetry
  • write out dreamy rambling stories
  • embroider an amazing picture (though I certainly don't have the skills for that)
  • draw
  • walk through Creamer's Field
  • have a bonfire with my friends
  • just think
  • read Peter Pan again (it's been way too long)

But it's late, and there's so much to do...and I'm tired... I hate how much I say that. Because it's become so meaningless, and just a dumb excuse. When will I not be tired and have nothing to do? Probably never. So I need to just DO something! Actually I have been doing several of these things, I just haven't managed to post about them. Sorry. I know I keep saying this, but life really is crazy. As I'm sure it is for everyone. But I'm moving out this weekend and working every day through it all, so it's gonna be interesting. haha, well I'll tell you all how it goes. Thank you so much for bearing with me. Love you all!


PS: What do you want to do right now?

Photo can be found here

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

swan lake

I want to see it live so badly. I've heard it's too long but I don't see how it could be, it's dancing, it's love, it's beauty, it's tragedy. There's no way it can be anything but perfect.

is there anything you've been desperate to see or feel lately?